Nicole Kipar
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The 1660s
Restoration Costume Comes to Life

Part 2, Page 10
Gentry and Aristocracy, Women:Costume Reconstruction: Dressing

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Lower Class Women and Men Gentry and Aristocracy, Women Gentry and Aristocracy, Men The Whole Look: Accessories Costume Focus: Women's Headwear & Neckwear

All of the following images open in a new window for a detailed study.
With many thanks to Diana, who models her costume in these photos, showing the stages of dressing a lady into the fashionable attire of the 1660s.

The dress was made by Gini Newton from Chimera Costumes. The inspiration for the decoration with pinked silk strips was taken from the one of the three extant bodices. See the page on extant garments.

She is dressed in her chemise, the stockings and the shoes, unless of course she had a maid servant to help her put on the shoes since there is no way of putting those on herself in the bones bodice. She could not reach her feet. The bodice is laced up, and perhaps we will have to try again on the slim young ladies (not me I...) to lace from the top down. Ben has to use a blunt needle to get the linen tape through the small hand done eyelets.
Diana from the back with the bumroll put on, which looks very large on her but is necessary to gain the desired period shape, because she is so very slender. The petticoat goes over the bumroll and is made of a lovely yellow shot taffeta silk.
The petticoat goes over the tabs of the bodice but under the front panel and busk. It stays remarkably in place but in case it might have a tendency to move, for the slim ladies, some hoops could be fastened to the tabs. The skirt over the petticoat and the effect on the back. You can see the bumroll does not look to big anymore.
Voila! The lady is dressed. Diana's dress has a split skirt, showing off the yellow petticoat and showing that some dresses in the 1660s had indeed split skirts, but we would not have another dress with split skirt in the group to make sure the relativity between split and unsplit skirts is kept in balance.
PS Yes... that's yours truly in the background in blood red satin pyjamas and dark green coffee mug with golden fleur-de-lis...

Here she is, Baronin Anna Carolina von Cleve in all her beauty and finery smiling into the sunshine at Vaux-le-Vicomte.


Overview | Dresses | Bodice & Skirt | Jackets | Stays | Chemises | Decoration
Extant Garments | The Making of... | Underpinnings | The Dressing of a Lady

Nicole Kipar 1998